Self Ish (EP)

Verb T Self Ish (EP) Lyrics

2.Self Ish

Verse 1- I can see you're upset, but I don't care / I can see
you need something but I won't share / right now I can't see
past my arms reach / tryna get by but hardly managing / can't
keep handling pressure / quit handing it to me / I'm about to
flip and abandon ship / plans will switch, friends will leave /
they got their own shit so it's only me / lonely? please, no
this ain't no sad tune / I'm more like an old grumpy fuck in a
bad mood / talking to myself as I shuffle in the hallway /
moaning, calling kids motherfuckers all day / Talking 'bout how
shit used to be much better / what happened? it's all gone
fucked fellas / no I don't wanna change can't help it / on my
self ish yes I'm so selfish

Chorus- Don't care about you, your family or friends / we don't
like each other, lets not pretend / I don't like people, don't
give a shit / I hate everyone except maybe my kids

Verse 2- I can see you're mad, but I don't care / dressed in the
type of shit that I won't wear / you look like a knob, I'm just
saying / and I'm serious, don't think that I'm just playing /
who you are - I don't care about that / thats when mouths snap
shut like mouse traps / I float like crocodiles in the outback /
count on me? fuck no man I doubt that / down pat. - the style I
got / the sofa is - what you find me on / I lost my job now I'm
tryna find a job / you might be listening but you didn't buy it
from me / thanks a lot, you're a cunt / but if you did buy it
thank you very much / hold up wait, don't get excited, you're
still a cunt only a cunt would buy my shit.


Life's a war from beginning to end / are you digging your grave
or digging a trench / flames from the sky man it's just intense
/ and the hard headed still won't listen to sense / you feel it
take hold and take control / don't worry cos you placed in the
hands of a professional / best that you know from the start /
real sharp, you feel it like a hole in the heart / survival is
hard in the cold and the dark / felt lost and all trying to find
who we are / plotting with my cohorts in the park / and the plot
that we made is we're taking it's ours / keep my family away
from the harm that life brings, inevitably no you can't / wanna
head to the mountains and chant / I'm trapped buy these worldly
ways I'm not calm / and you see we pray for one last miracle
after we die and that's paradise / nothing can defend us when
the end comes, so we then run but where we end up?

4.Break Out

5.Lov(fuck)ed Up

Love will make you wanna stab your self right? / curl up in a
ball and just die / bitch don't you feel the same way? / Ice
Cube could you pass the AK / cos today weren't a very great day
/ time heals all wounds they say / but for now these skies stay
grey / so I'm headed for the stars make way / I feel like my
insides have been twisted up / been lifted up put back upside
down / and I don't give a fuck right now / duck right down,
cupid is shooting / you don't wanna be hit and look stupid and
goofy / then you see your girl with a dude in a movie / you just
annoy her now, boo hoo / she hates you and you hate you too

-I don't understand, I don't know who I am / I've become who I
thought you wanted / then I came to find out I wasn't / I don't
understand / I don't know who I am / that's just my luck / love
will fuck you up

6.Start Again